Parents Club
Membership: Membership in the Parents Club is open to all parents, guardians, grandparents of Cardinal Mooney students. Generally meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month and are held at the school. Generally our meetings cover a wide range of topics, and each meeting usually features a guest speaker.
Purpose and Goals:
1. To support Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School spiritually, socially and financially.
2. To develop closer relationships with our children and grandchildren.
3. To support fellow members of the Parents Club.
The Parents Club is responsible for a variety of committees and activities throughout the year. Each event is chaired by a member of the Parents Club and is staffed by volunteers. Their names and contact information can be accessed by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the page. To volunteer for a committee, just follow the directions below or click on the appropriate tab at the top of the page. The Parents Club truly appreciates your help. Without your time and talents the Parents Club simply cannot be a success.
- Supporting the Auction
- Supporting the Scholarship Dinner
- Supporting Student Activities, Clubs, and Athletics
- Beautificaton of the campus
- Hosting Hospitality/Celebrations
- Hosting Staff Appreciation Lunches
- Fundraising, such as: Euchre parties, Scrapbooking